Armelle Skatulski

Armelle Skatulski is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher who completed a practice-led PhD at the Royal College of Art in London funded by an AHRC Scholarship (2017-2023). She was awarded a DYCP grant from Arts Council England (2023-2024) and recently developed Virtual Eyes, a project exploring the links between VR, gaze analytics and attention computing showcased at IOU (July-August 2024)In 2023, Skatulski took part in Leeds Creative Labs, University of Leeds, a research residency fostering collaborations between artists and academics.

Forthcoming and recent exhibitions include: Intersectional Grammar: Trees, Hackney Gallery, London, UK (Nov-Dec. 2024); Artist Showcase 2024 , IOU Creation Centre, Dean Clough, Halifax, UK (July-Aug. 2024); TRAceHighlanes Gallery, Drogheda, Ireland (July-Sept. 2023); Print Studio Members Exhibition, The Art House, Wakefield, UK (April-May 2023); Intersectional Matter: Waste, PhotoFrome 2023, Gallery at the Station, Frome, UK (June-July 2023); Accidentology (I), Hockney Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK (May 2023); the RCA Research Biennale 23Royal College of Art, London (22nd - 24th June 2023); the RHA Annual Exhibition, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, Ireland (May-July 2022); Unruly Encounters, Southwark Park Galleries, London, UK (March 2022).

Armelle Skatulski is an experienced arts educator and facilitator who has worked as a Visiting Lecturer in the UK and abroad for arts institutions such as the Whitechapel Gallery, the Royal College of Art, PhotoMuseum Ireland and The National College of Art & Design Ireland. 

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